He who testified about these things says, “Yes. I am coming quickly.” Amen! Come Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20
My words…
There is one single truth that can make a gloomy day bright, or a futile task worthwhile: Jesus is coming back! If I want to ignite my listless spirit or jump start my deadened heart, I need only to remember that You, Lord, will once again make Your presence known here on earth, and every pair of eyes will see You, and every knee will bend. The Apostle John, the one who sat at your feet, listening to every word You said, longed desperately to see You again. To live apart from You must have been hell for him, for how could anyone who has been in Your presence want to be anywhere else?
Prayer for me
Lord, Your creation astounds me. I love being a part of it. Cotton balls growing on brown stems. Amazing! A baby’s first tooth poking through pink gums. Delightful! I can’t get enough! However, my physical world with all of its joys and discoveries and memories can be a powerful distraction from anticipating Your return. During my most joyously fulfilling moments, I would prefer You stay in Your heaven. And then during my most dreadfully soul-shattering moments, I pray for Your return. You must think me a little child. Grow me, Lord, to always desire to see the day You come back.
Forgive me
Forgive me my tight grasp on what is physical. You have blessed me with a life of abundance, and I, at times, allow what I see to cloud what is most important – what I can’t see.
More praise
I praise You for living within me because as long as Your Spirit abides in me, I will never lose that soul-sustaining hope of Your return. Knowing I will see You again gives purpose to my life…and my death. Come, Lord Jesus!