
Your words…

While He was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, suddenly arrived. A large mob, with swords and clubs, was with him from the chief priests and elders of the people. His betrayer had given them a sign: “The One I kiss, He’s the One; arrest Him!” So he went right up to Jesus and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. “Friend,” Jesus asked him, “why have you come?”

My words…

You called Judas Your friend. Judas. He was Your betrayer. He was a thief. He was a spy. But You never say anything randomly. You used the word friend for a reason: Judas was indeed Your friend. Your heart was broken not because of him, but for him because that’s how friends act. You did not condemn him on the spot because that’s not what friends do. Friend: The word doesn’t seem to fit in this violent scene. It rings like a clear bell in the midst of a riot or the coo of a dove among snarling wolves. A feather against a club. A fleece against a sword.
Prayer for me
When I think of You being a friend to me, I begin to feel a little of what Judas must have felt. How could I ever deserve to be called Your friend? But then You teach me that deserving it has nothing to do with it. We’re friends. Now teach me how to get up off my knees and be a friend right back.
Forgive me
For some reason, I feel more comfortable calling You my Savior, Redeemer and Lord. You deserve those titles. You deserve my adoration as the Son of the Most High. Calling You my Friend doesn’t seem as solemn, weighty or reverent. You called Abraham Your friend. I’m not in that league. But You also called Judas Your friend. Forgive me for limiting You. Forgive me for not seeing You as a Friend, a Mate, a Companion.
Prayer for others
Lord, there are so many that do not want to be Your friend. They don’t want anything to do with You. They keep their hearts away from You as if You were a disease. I pray that today just one will come to know You as their friend. Just one. Then tomorrow I will pray for just one more.
Thank You
Thank You for being the only God who is a friend to humankind. I agree with Lois Cheney: I know of no religion in which the God is both God and friend.
More praise
Proclaiming the same words or phrases over and over can wear down the meaning until the words slip and slide across my mind without heed. But today, I proclaim a well worn truth that bursts and shines with heart-felt meaning: What a Friend we have in Jesus!