The Lord is near all who call out to Him, all who call out to Him with integrity. Psalm 145:18
Lord, why do You stand so far away? Why do You hide in times of trouble? Psalm 10:1
“I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am, you may be also. John 14:2-3
My words…
Where are You? I’m sure You hear that question prayed a lot. I tend to want to “place” you somewhere. When I’m struggling, I want you close. When I’m doing something excessively selfish, I’d rather You not be around. But it doesn’t work like that, does it? You don’t work like that. Who am I to build a boundary around You who is boundless? Who am I to limit the One who is limitless? Just as You proclaimed, “I Am Who I Am,” so You Are Where You Are. Beyond the galaxy and in my backyard. Outside of time and space yet here now. In the heights and in the depths. There is nowhere I can go where You are not. There is nowhere I want to be where You are not.
Prayer for Me
I often get caught up in the falsehood that if I cannot feel your presence, then You are not around. You have made Yourself known to me in so many ways. And when it happens, I feel as if You are not next to me but inside me. My spirit jumps for joy! I pray for more of that. (selfish?) Help me not to see it as a sign that You are there. I shouldn’t need a sign. Help me not to use it as proof You are there. I don’t need proof. When You confirm Your presence, it’s a faith-builder. And my faith can always use building up.
Forgive me
Forgive me when I mold You into something more easily understood. As Dallas Willard said, “We have a weak imagination toward God.” If I could understand You fully, then You wouldn’t be God. You certainly wouldn’t be my God. Forgive me whenever I feel You are distant. It’s the Enemy’s lie.
Prayer for others
Lord, there is someone I care about who is in the clutches of despair. He feels as if You are far from him, and he is so alone. I can’t be God for him. Only You can. Place Your hand of comfort on him now, I pray! Lead him through his darkness and loneliness.
Thank You
Lord, I am so grateful that You are here, there, and everywhere. Thank You for being who You are – the God who is near all of us all the time.
More praise
There is a difference between You being with me and me being with You. In my life here on earth, You are with me. You created my world, and I am in it with You. What I long for is being with You in Your world – the heavens. Jesus, You promised that where You are, I will also be. No distance between us. I can hardly wait.