
Your words…
I will meditate on Your precepts and think about your ways. Psalm 119:15
My words…
I have discovered the best way to know you, God, is to know Your precepts and Your ways—to spend time, time, and more time reading scripture, listening to wise biblical teaching, and thinking about what You do and why. It’s a deep well. After a few decades, I have learned some truths, not only about You, but about me. And it’s all because…
…the more time I spend with You…
  • the more patient I am with others.
  • the more I crave wisdom.
  • the more I discern evil around me.
  • the less I care about money.
  • the more I see you in nature (even in the cicadas!).
  • the more honest I am with You.
  • the more I appreciate solitude.
  • the more I recognize my selfishness.
  • the more I understand the absolute necessity of prayer.
  • the more I notice how alike we are.
  • the more I notice how different we are.
  • the more I love You.
A deep, deep well.