
Your words…
Look at how great a love the Father has given us that we should be called God’s children. And we are!  1 John 3:1
Both the One who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. Hebrews 2:11
My words…
Father God, since I can’t fathom your fullness, all the boundless traits that make up who You are, neither can I comprehend my place as Your child. It’s a truth I know in my mind but one which resides with the birth of a star, the depths of the ocean, the splitting of the Red Sea, the migration path of the bar-tailed godwits, and the resurrection of Your Son—too magnificent to take in. But my feeble spirit endeavors all the same. Indeed, I am a child of  the One who is love, the King over all the earth, the God who performs wonders, the righteous judge. My earthly family status matters not; I am not a celebrity or a child of one. I hold no important social position. But in the heavenly realms, I am rather important, aren’t I? And it’s only because of Your love for me.
Prayer for Your children….
Like all fathers, You have suffered disappointment at the hands of Your children. We are a rebellious lot. We come and go in our devotion to You. In the face of Your instruction, we throw the occasional tantrum and stomp our feet. When we don’t get what we want when we want, we pout. Worse yet, we storm out. I know, for myself, I have acted like a spoiled brat many times, taking for granted my position within Your kingdom. Forgive my inexcusable pride and ingratitude. Praise be to my Father who lovingly claims me as His child even when I don’t act like it.
More praise…
As Your child, I am a member of a huge family. The heroes of faith I read about in scripture are all my siblings as are Your devoted followers over the centuries. And wonder of wonders—Jesus, You are my brother. I can’t wait for this family reunion!