
Your words…

Many signs and wonders were being done among the people through the hands of the apostles. By common consent they would all meet in Solomon’s Colonnade. None of the rest dared to join them, but the people praised them highly. Believers were added to the Lord in increasing numbers – crowds of both men and women. As a result, they would carry the sick out into the streets and lay them on cots and mats so that when Peter came by, at least his shadow might fall on some of them. In addition, a large group came together from the towns surrounding Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were healed. Then the high priest took action. He and all his colleagues, those who belonged to the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. So they arrested the apostles and put them in the city jail. But an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail during the night, brought them out, and said, “Go stand in the temple complex, and tell the people all about this life.” In obedience to this, they entered the temple complex at daybreak and began to teach.  Acts 5:12-21

My words…

Praise to the God of wonder
I just stepped off a jet. While flying and looking at the patchwork ground below, I always wonder, “How does this big bird stay in air?”  I should wonder, “How did You create the air?” Now that’s a wonder. When my friend described her intricate brain surgery, I wonder, “How do surgeons do that?” I should wonder, “How did You create the body to heal?”  Now that’s a wonder. Wondering is a fulfilling past-time. I wonder about most everything. But the best things to wonder about are Your wonders. I wonder what it would feel like to be lame then be whole once Peter’s shadow passed over me. I wonder how Satan felt when his demons came back into his presence as failures. I wonder what an angel looks like while in the process of a jail-break. I wonder how the Sadducees could stand by and watch Your wonders and still have hearts like stone. Lord, Your wonders still abound! You may not send angels to open jailhouse doors, but You still protect Your disciples. You still heal. You still battle Satan’s forces, and win. You still draw the lost and lonely to You. Although I do a lot of wondering, I never wonder whether or not You love me. I never wonder about where I will live after this life is over. I never wonder where my hope comes from. So, this travel-weary daughter of Yours praises You as my never-ending source of wonderment. You are wonderful!


Your words…

The Lord told Aaron, “You will not have an inheritance in their land; there will be no portion among them for you. I am your portion and your inheritance among the Israelites.”  Numbers 18:20
Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. Psalm 16:5
I say: The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will put my hope in Him.  Lamentations 3:24

My words…

God, in Your wisdom, You allocated specific regions of land to each of the tribes of Israel…except one. The Levites were not given a land inheritance to pass along to their children and their children’s children. They were to live among the other family tribes and lead them in worship and guide them through Your law. And it was enough for the Levites that they had no earthly inheritance, for You gave them one that is imperishable, one that cannot be destroyed by war, gambled away, or lost to a money-lender. Their inheritance was I am – You! They did not spend their time tilling, sowing, and reaping. They spent their time with You, with Your law, for that is what they treasured and passed down to their children. And now, generations upon generations have passed away, but Your claim to be a portion remains, and it is offered to everyone. And so I praise You for giving Yourself as my portion, my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You hold my future, and You have provided a secure place for me to lay my hope.
Prayer for me
I dwell on the future too much. With You as my portion, my future is well in hand – Your hand. Remind me, Lord, that with You as my portion, I must live as Your heir each day, not wasting time and energy on what will be, but doing Your will where I am – today.
Forgive me
Forgive me when I succumb to believing the lie that You are just too big to know, too great to understand. I have asked You to impart to me the meaning of these verses, the understanding of what it means to have You as my portion. Then I say to myself, “This is a difficult passage. I will never fully grasp what it means.” Forgive my impatience. Forgive my prideful spirit.
Thank You
Just as You provided Aaron and his family with everything they needed, so You provide for me. I thank You that I have never gone hungry, never gone without shelter or clothing. I have enjoyed years of bounty, good health, and happiness. I deserve none of it. It is the pleasure You have bestowed on me, Your child. I offer my inadequate words of thankfulness and pray Your Spirit will gild them with purest gold and make them worthy to come before Your throne.
More praise
Lord, You are the cup where I pour my praise. You are made of perfect love. It gushes from You like a fountain, and covers the earth. It covers me. Praise to You, Lord, my portion!


Your words…

Jesus withdrew by boat to a remote place to be alone. When the crowds heard this, they followed him on foot from the towns. As He stepped ashore, he saw a huge crowd, felt compassion for them, and healed their sick. When evening came, the disciples approached Him and said, “This place is a wilderness, and it is already late. Send the crowds away so they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” 
“They don’t need to go away,” Jesus told them. “You give them something to eat.”
“But we only have five loaves and two fish here,” they said to Him.
“Bring them here to Me,” He said. Then He commanded the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he blessed them. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. Everyone ate and was filled. Then they picked up 12 baskets full of leftover pieces! Now those who ate were about 5,000 men, besides women and children.  Matthew 14:13-21

My words…

When You looked out over the crowd, Lord, what did You see? You saw sheep without a shepherd. You saw weariness and confusion. You were weary yourself, having just completed an evangelical tour around Galilee. And to make matters much worse, You had just learned of the murder of Your forerunner, John the Baptist. A quiet respite is what You needed – time to decompress with Your apostles. But the crowds, the throngs would not allow that once they had seen Your miracles and heard Your message. You could have disappeared for a while, evaded the attention, and withdrew. But You’re not like that. You are compassion. You healed them. You spoke to them. But when it came time to feed them, Your apostles became as fretting nannies: It’s dinner time. What are we to do with all of these hungry people? Send them away. That’s the answer!  They had no idea that the answer sat among them. They never thought, The Son of Jehovah God, the One who created everything from nothing, is here and is able to feed everyone however he chooses. And so, Your glory rained down on that patch of wilderness, not with sun bursts and earthquakes (which You could have handled easily), but with a free lunch to more than 15,000 men, women, and children – all they could eat. And to add a meaningful touch, there was one basket of leftovers for each embarrassed apostle. How well they learned that day – You are able to do a lot with just a little! And leftovers besides! 
Prayer for me
I shouldn’t be too hard on Your holy apostles. I would have acted in the same manner. I know You are limitless, yet I limit You. Expand my faith so that I am not surprised when You rain down Your glory and bless well beyond what is needed at the moment.
Prayer for others
When the apostles gathered the loaves and fishes, You said, “Bring them to me.” You created a feast from a small lunch. We are the small loaves and fishes, and You are able to do giant things through us if we will only bring ourselves to You. I pray that the small groups of Your followers, meeting in homes, huts, and tents around the world, will bring themselves to You so You may do giant things through them. I pray that the large churches, meeting in auditoriums and theaters, will continue to recognize they need to bring themselves to You so You may bless their endeavors and make them fruitful.
Thank You
Thank You for leftovers. You not only supply me with what I need, but there are always leftovers – extra added blessings. I know these blessings come from You as answers to prayer. Thank You for hearing me!
More praise
When You looked to heaven and blessed the bread, did You see Your Father? Did You see John the Baptist being welcomed into Paradise? What a contrast to the scene on the grass before You – throngs of hungry people and twelve followers who only comprehended a drop of Your ocean of power. But You didn’t rebuke or rebuff.  You demonstrated compassion on that hillside. You still do. I praise You – the God who can do mighty things with only a little! And there will still be leftovers!



Your words…

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him from the heights.  Psalm 148:1

My words…

A Prayer of Praise
Hallelujah – what a word! It’s the one-size-fits-all praise word. When a baby is born into this world, wailing – hallelujah! When a child of Yours turns from darkness to light – hallelujah! When I see the Grand Canyon for the first time – hallelujah! It’s my way of saying, “Lord, You had everything to do with that, and You are worthy to be praised!” It’s too wonderful a word to use when finding a great parking spot, winning the lottery, or  getting a warning instead of a speeding ticket. It’s a word created only for You, for who You are and what You do.
As I gazed out at the Grand Canyon today, I couldn’t help but imagine You, watching the great river tumbling and swirling over the rocky earth for millions of years, cutting, scoring, and uplifting the rocks to ultimately form a work of natural art. You knew it would be a place where people would gather and marvel at nature, marvel at You. The earth is Your canvas, Your block of marble. And I am the art lover. And tonight I am weary from taking in every angle of this great work of art. But I am left with enough energy to proclaim, “Hallelujah to the God of nature. I praise You from the heights!”



His words…

…I kneel before the Father from whom every family on heaven and on earth is named. I pray that He may grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power in the inner man through His Spirit, and that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith. I pray that you, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all of the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s love, and to know the Messiah’s love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us – to Him be glory in the church, and in Christ Jesus through all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  Ephesians 3:14-21
Lord, this prayer must have been a sweet aroma filling the heavens. I imagine Your sons and angels, dancing and singing around this prayer, adorning it with strands of light, arraying it with stardust wings to float and soar through the heavens, showering You with adoration in every heavenly language. That’s what I imagine. I imagine Michael, the archangel, clad in armor with a flaming sword raised high, shouting Your praises which are echoed by Your vast armies who delight in battling the forces of evil in Your name. That’s what I imagine. All of heaven thunders Your praise so that the very foundations of heaven are shaken. And then… silence. Every creature is prostrate, lifting silent words of exultation before You, but they cannot be silenced long. Hymns of praise rise in perfect harmony, their lyrics so beautiful that the heavenly hosts cry with joy. That’s what I imagine. But what thrills my anemic imagination the most is that I know that it will never adequately capture the glory of heaven, the glory of You. I will just have to wait and experience it for myself some day.
Prayer for me
Lord, I think about You a lot. I dwell and meditate on Your word which feeds my comprehension and my imagination. But as long as I am confined in my skin, I will never know the full dimensions of Your love. But lately, I have grown restless with my limited knowledge. So, my prayer for me is this: loosen the cables that restrict my mind and my heart so that my spirit may be strengthened, and I may better comprehend Your fullness.
Thank You
Thank You, God, for my imagination. I have always known it is a gift from You. The ability to create scenes in my mind about You, about Your creation, about heaven brings me immense joy. It’s both mind-bending and fun to think beyond what I see every day. The other day I imagined a cloud filled with rain, a rain that heals anyone it touches. Those standing under that cloud do not use an umbrella. They just tip their faces to the cloud and waited for the rain to fall. Healing rain makes me smile. Thank You.
More praise
Lord, You are able to do above and beyond all that I ask or imagine, and I can imagine quite a bit! You are the giver of abundant life – life founded on love, filled with peace, overflowing with joy. What a blessing to have You within me. What a humbling, staggering blessing.


Your words…

Some people were bringing little children to Jesus so He might touch them, but His disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw it, He was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you: Whoever does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” After taking them in His arms, He laid His hands on them and blessed them.  Mark 10:13-16

My words…

Jesus, I wonder…do you look upon this scene as one of Your favorites while You labored as a man on earth? Such a precious scene. Mothers intent on bringing their children close to You, close enough for You to touch them and speak a heavenly blessing on them. But, of course, You went beyond what they expected. You gathered each child in Your loving arms. You knew each one so well: the poor, waif of a girl who couldn’t take her eyes off You, the squirmy boy who couldn’t sit still and made You laugh. You knew how each would grow and what each would become. You felt at home with them because their tender hearts, their pliable wills, their spotless faith is what makes up Your kingdom. They allowed themselves to be wrapped in Your blessing with no whisper of rebellion or hint of pride. And when each one had been perfectly blessed, You turned back toward the world and stepped away from the comfort of their presence. You returned to Your task toward death so every one of Your children, even me, could be gathered into Your loving arms someday.
 Prayer for children
I bring the children of the world at the foot of Your throne. I seek a blessing for each one. You know them by name. You know their deepest struggle and their highest joy. Some of them know You personally and seek You daily. Others are intent on keeping You at arm’s length. And others have never heard Your name spoken in their language. Protect them as they grow and stumble. Comfort them when they weep. Open Your arms wide, gather them into Your embrace, and bless them.


Your words…

Say among the nations: “The Lord reigns. The world is firmly established; it cannot be shaken. He judges the peoples fairly.” Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and all that fills it resound. Let the fields and everything in them exult. Then all the trees of the forest will shout for joy before the Lord, for He is coming – for He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness and the peoples with His faithfulness. Psalm 96:10-13

A Prayer of Praise

How blessed is the day You suspended the earth in space. You threw open Your arms and filled the world with symbols of Your beauty and imagination. The oceans – dense and powerful, dangerous yet beautiful – crash against the shore, cymbals of praise. The fish that swim in graceful motion cry in anthems to their maker, “The Lord, He is coming!” Then the swaying grasses and hymns of birds join the anthem, singing, “The Great Judge is coming!  The leaves of the oak rustle praise toward the heavens. “He is coming!” they shout. The elm and the cedar join in exultation. Even the seedlings know their creator and worship You. All nature proclaims Your majesty! You are the Judge of the world – the only righteous Judge.
Prayer for me
I sift through the words I know, the meager, deficient list. I find none worthy enough to send to You in praise. How can my limited mind adequately praise what is limitless? How can my bound thoughts comprehend what is boundless? I cannot praise you like the mighty seas or the regal oak. But I can do this: I lift my heart and mind to You and profess, “The Lord who reigns is coming!” And I know Your Spirit, the One who knows the thoughts and intents of my heart, will take my barren words and empower them. He will weave them through the crash of the waves, the cry of the fish, the hymns of the birds, and the shouts of the trees. Then my praise will be worthy enough to touch the hem of Your robe. And that is enough for me.


Your words…

But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. When you pray, don’t babble like the idolaters, since they imagine they’ll be heard for their many words. Don’t be like them because your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him.  Matthew 6:6-8

My words…

Father, You consider the orbit of the earth while surveying the orbit of an electron. There is no place where You are not. I could speak to You from the top of Everest or from the depths of the Pacific, and You will hear me. Jesus implores me to find You in a private place, a place where I can shut myself in with You. And so we meet in a place that is secret; no one may enter except the two of us. What happens in that secret place, the pleading, laughing, crying, questioning, cannot happen while waiting in line at the grocery, standing in the subway, or sitting in a restaurant. A voice of gentle silence – a sound of gentle stillness – that is what I find in secret. It doesn’t matter that millions of Your children are crying out to You at the exact time we meet. You are omnipotent. You hear each word of every appeal. I have Your full attention and so does everyone else – just part of Your boundless, fortifying, tender nature.
Prayer for me
Lord, I have never heard Your voice in my ears. I have not experienced a “burning bush” encounter with You. But I hear many of Your followers say they have heard Your voice. Then I wonder, Am I doing something wrong? I read Your word and meditate on it, and Your voice of gentle silence directs my thoughts. That is how You speak to me. I know it’s You because these reflections are outside of my intuition; I could not have derived them on my own. The moments of purest joy are those when Your Spirit is guiding my spirit. I only have to wait and listen.
Forgive me
When we are shut in together, forgive me when I do not act as if I am in the presence of the One who cradles the earth in His hands. Forgive me for giving in to the temptation to look at the clock or check my messages. How foolish of Your daughter to squander our precious minutes together.
Prayer for others
Father, there are so many friends and loved ones in my life who suffer from melancholy. Their spirits are shrouded in darkness, their thoughts cloaked in hopelessness. I am at a loss as to how to encourage them. Wave Your gentle hand over their souls and minds and waft away the gloom. Shine Your light into their dark world. You are Hope. Show Yourself to them.
Thank You
Thank You for hearing my praise, my intercessions, my confessions, and my petitions. I know You hear each word. You are hearing me now, and I am so grateful.
More praise
Pondering Your omniscience brings me such joy! You know what I need before I figure it out myself. You know what I need when I have no idea myself. All glory and praise to the provider of all my needs!


Your words…

For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up success for the upright; He is a shield for those who live with integrity so that He may guard the paths of justice and protect the way of His loyal followers. Then you will understand righteousness, justice, and integrity – every good path. For wisdom will enter your mind, and knowledge will delight your heart. Discretion will watch over you, and understanding will guard you, rescuing you from the way of evil – from the one who says perverse things, from those who abandon the right paths to walk in ways of darkness, from those who enjoy doing evil and celebrate perversion, whose paths are crooked, and whose ways are devious. So follow the way of good people, and keep to the paths of the righteous. For the upright will inhabit the land, and those of integrity will remain in it; but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the treacherous uprooted from it.  Proverbs 2:6-15, 21-22
Lord, lead me in Your righteousness because of my adversaries; make Your way straight before me.  Psalm 5:8

My words…

 Lord, Your way of thinking is the most excellent way to think. Your paths of righteousness are the most delightful paths to follow.  You forged these paths along a straight line, so Your children would see You on the path – leading, following, or walking alongside. Your glory lights the way. Your path does not bend or twist, obscuring what lies ahead. You protect me as I sojourn, so I have no need to fear. You are my Shield, my Rear Guard. It is only on this path that I grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. It’s Your path. It’s my path. It’s the very best place to be.
Prayer for me
We have walked the path together, You and I, for many years. Sometimes the path grows rocky, and I stumble. “Why can’t this path be perfectly smooth and easy, lined with flower petals and songbirds?” I ask. Even in spite of my griping, You make known to me Your wisdom as we walk together. I have learned so much from You. I have so much more to learn. Be patient with me, and don’t let go of my hand.
Forgive me
Forgive me when I neglect to invite others to join me on the path of righteousness. It was made for all of Your children, yet so few have found it. Forgive me for wrapping myself up in my own journey without thinking of those desperately seeking Your path.
Prayer for others
I pray for those who have abandoned the well-lit straight paths and have wandered onto crooked, darkened paths. These children of Yours were once faithful – they can quote scripture and have memorized spiritual songs. But the path grew too restrictive, too confined. Now they wander around in a maze that leads nowhere. They are deceived in thinking they are free. Some are those I love. Snatch them, Lord! Lead them back to the well-lit path.
Thank You
Thank You for the “good people” who walk the path with me. Each has a different faith-story, but we’re all on the path together. What a blessing! What a gift!
More praise
My spirit’s eyes see Your path as one through a forest, shaded with trees. The straight, leafy path leads to a perfect cottage, flowering vines framing the door. It’s my cottage. You built it for me. It stands in the distance, always in the distance. I know I will walk through the flower-draped door one day, and I will be home. Then I will have no need to look back at the path, for You and I will dwell together in the cottage You built for me. Yet the one thing that makes me so joyful, is that what You have in store for me is so infinitely better than the cottage I imagine. For now, I will keep to the path. It’s the very best place to be.


Your words…

 When a man presents a fellowship sacrifice to the Lord to fulfill a vow or as a freewill offering from the herd or flock, it has to be unblemished to be acceptable; there must be no defect in it.  Leviticus 22:21
For you know that you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from the fathers, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without defect or blemish. He was chosen before the foundation of the world but was revealed at the end of the times for you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.  1 Peter 1:18-21

My words…

Before the beginning, before You said, “Let there be light,” there was the Lamb. Of all the examples from creation, You chose to liken Your Son to a young, pure, meek animal that heeds the voice of His master. Who isn’t drawn to a lamb? This Lamb was set apart for a righteous, unfair purpose – He would be slaughtered to pay a debt. Not His debt. My debt. I am grossly blemished therefore unable to be used as a sacrifice, for how can filth stand in the presence of the Holy Father, Creator of all?  The Lamb was reviled, ignored, ridiculed, yet He remained unblemished. He was frustrated, incensed, angered, yet he remained pure. He was tempted, tempted, tempted, yet He remained undefiled. He was tortured and crucified, yet He remained perfect. He was without blemish. He is without blemish still because that is the only way to get to You. The Lamb was Your plan all along. All praise, glory and honor to the Lamb of God!
Prayer for me
I pray that Your Spirit lead me to a deeper understanding of You, Your ways, and Your love. I know it’s like asking You to drain the vastness of space into a sugar spoon. Perhaps just one grain? That would be enough for the rest of my life.
Forgive me
Father, You know me better than I know myself. You know why I question. You know when I doubt. You see my pride problem. So I ask You to forgive me wholly. Today, tomorrow and forever.
Prayer for others
I pray again for those who continue to revile the Lamb. They refuse to believe that He is Your Son, that He is the only Redeemer, that He is unblemished. I pray that Your kingdom will grow. I long to see the revilers redeemed and the unbelievers saved. You are the Redeemer and the Savior!
Thank You
 It is because of You and Your unblemished Son that I see the world through love lenses. Every beautiful scene my eyes and ears behold is a gift from You because You love me. Laughter, blue birds, sunshine, honeysuckle, and milk chocolate (to name a few) are gifts from You. I open a gift from You each day. Thank You!
More praise
The unbending will of man attempted to mar the Lamb by beating, spitting, whipping, cutting, piercing, and slicing. But through it all, He remained unblemished. And all for me. It’s wonderful and convicting. It’s marvelous and undeserving. It’s beautiful and bloody. It’s You and no one else. No one else could love like that.