
Your words…

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil. For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take a stand. Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist, righteousness like armor on your chest, and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace. In every situation take the shield of faith, and with it you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word.  Ephesians 6:10-17


My words…

Praise be to God in heaven who sees everything I can’t! You see the vile tactics of the Devil and his forces – a relentless battle in the heavens. Even after Jesus stepped from the tomb, proclaiming victory over death, Satan battles on. Unlike earthly wars, You do not battle Satan to control territory; You battle for my heart. Your motivation does not spring from hatred, arrogance, or greed but from love. Love for me. You do not leave me vulnerable, without protection. You wouldn’t do that; it’s not how You treat Your children. You thwart the schemes of Satan by providing me with my own armor. Armor from You forged especially for me! It isn’t heavy or ill-fitting, and best of all, it contains no chinks. I am battle-ready and confident wearing it because the flaming arrows of the Devil will not penetrate it. I am unworthy to wear it, but I accept it as a gift from You.
Prayer for me
The Devil has a quiver of arrows aflame, each directed at me – the flaming arrows of pride, doubt, indifference, prejudice. Stir my spirit to strap on Your armor each day and be ready to stand against unseen forces that delight in wearing away my will to serve You.
Forgive me
Forgive me for giving into the temptation to shed Your armor. Satan’s lies are so believable and custom-made for my ears. Forgive me when I lower my shield, lay aside my sword, and pay attention to the lies.
Prayer for others
Battles are chaotic, noisy, painful, and terrifying. Some of us would rather run than fight. But You’re not encouraging us to fight – You’re preparing us to stand. So today, I pray for all who continue to stand against Satan’s wiles. When they tire, they don’t fall. They stay standing. Like the mother who throws off bitterness and forgives her child’s killer. And the couple who decides to confront their problems and stay married. And the church that rebuilds after an arsonist attacks. Continue to grant them courage and strength to stand in the face of evil.
Thank You
Thank You for fashioning my armor of truth, righteousness, peace and faith – all characteristics of You. And I thank Your armies of heavenly hosts, including Gabriel, and Michael the archangel. They battle for me because of their devotion and adoration of You.
More praise
I fill my mind with images of the battles in the heavens – Your armies of angels never tiring, holding the line. Your battle plans are perfect because You know the enemy. You know his weaknesses. He cannot out-smart You. He cannot out-maneuver You. All majesty and praise to the One who protects me. You are my Savior.


Your words…

I exalt You, my God the King, and praise Your name forever and ever. I will praise You every day; I will honor Your name forever and ever. Yahweh is great and is highly praised; His greatness is unsearchable. One generation will declare Your works to the next and will proclaim Your mighty acts. I will speak of Your splendor and glorious majesty and Your wonderful works. They will proclaim the power of Your awe-inspiring acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They will give a testimony of Your great goodness and will joyfully sing of Your righteousness. Psalm 145:1-7


My words…

How thrilling it is to consider Your wonderful works! I reflect on Your splendor during this spring season, and my mind fixates on flowers. I compare Your glory and majesty to the very blooms You created. Your children, young and old, are drawn to their beauty; we gather them into vases and bring them into our homes. We adorn ourselves with them on very special days. We offer them as gifts to those we love the most. We place them on the monuments of those we long to remember. In a world of so much ugliness, the sight of just one blossom is a comfort to our eyes – a balm for an aching heart. And, oh the variety! The array of species affirms Your creative power. The shape and texture of the delicate petals declare Your artistic virtue. The hue of each blossom is determined by You because You created color. A graceful flower bathed in sunlight trumpets Your splendor so much more than my words will ever convey!
Prayer for me
King David and the Psalmists expressed praise to You that could only come from a Spirit-filled heart. That same Spirit resides in my heart, but my praise to You sounds stale and common. Nothing that comes before Your throne should ever be common. So I pray that I allow Your Spirit to move me to praise You in a way that is holy and worthy of who You are.
Forgive me
Lord, I am sorry that I do not declare Your mighty works every day of every year. I neglect to praise You as You deserve. It is easier for me to complain to You and repeat my personal petitions than it is to proclaim Your glory as an act of adoration. Forgive me when I do not allow my heart to break open and pour out praise to You.
Prayer for others
Today, Lord, I pray for those whose hearts are not reminded of Your glory when they gaze upon an exquisite flower in bloom. They choose not to believe in the existence of the Creator of that beauty. To them, it’s just a flower. Stir their hearts, Lord. By Your Spirit, use the beauty of Your creation to transform those who have turned their hearts against You. The petals of a vibrant dahlia declare Your glory!
Thank you
The beauty of Your creation is not appreciated by the ant or the warthog or the raven. My fish are not mesmerized by the loveliness of the blooms growing in their pond. The daisies and roses and irises were made for Your children to admire. They were made for me to admire. Thank you, Lord, for this lovely gift.
More praise
Lord, You are beautiful. We, Your people, are drawn to You. We wear You like a corsage and share You like a bouquet. You are a balm for our aching hearts, and we are filled with joy at the sight of You within Your creation. I praise You for Your mighty acts!


Your words…

Then Jesus and His apostles came to Capernaum. When Jesus was in the house, He asked His apostles, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they were silent because on the way they had been arguing with one another about who was the greatest. Sitting down, He called the twelve and said to them, “If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Then He took a child, had him stand among them, and taking him in His arms, He said to them, “Whoever welcomes one little child such as this in My name welcomes Me. And whoever welcomes Me does not welcome Me, but Him who sent Me.” Mark 9:33-37


My words…

One (just one) of the greatest examples of Your love for us is Your long-suffering in the presence of our immature, petty preoccupation with status. You had just shared with Your closest group of friends that Your suffering and death were imminent. As You walked toward Capernaum, considering the cross that lay ahead for You, Your followers lagged behind, engaged in a verbal power struggle over who would be called the greatest. I wonder – did they choose sides, some backing Peter and others backing John? Or did Thaddeus, James, or Matthew present compelling cases for themselves as greatest? I believe You were saddened by this exchange, yet You didn’t rebuke. You didn’t punish. You taught. And like so many of Your lessons, You used a visual aid – a little kid. But this kid was a first-century kid, one accustomed to being in the lowest position within the household and community. Then You presented a simple lesson that has been the most difficult for mankind to embrace: If you want to be great – be a servant. You not only sat among Your followers, speaking this truth to them, You showed them what it means to be great. You touched the untouchable. You dined with the outcast. You conversed with the downtrodden. No one was off-limits. And You did all of this because You wanted to. Father, Son, and Spirit. You are the Servant-God who acts not out of duty, but out of love.
Prayer for me
Your followers remind me of me. You knew their hearts, yet You asked them why they were arguing. What did they do? Clam up. How many times have Your words caused me to question my actions? What do I do? Clam up. Help me to be honest about my intentions and motivations as I measure them against Your teachings. Continue to sit with me and teach me as You taught your apostles.
Forgive me
Forgive me for the times when I thought and acted as if I were greater than another. Forgive me for thinking, “Why would I help those who can help themselves?” or “That woman needs help, but not my help.” or “If I help that man, I am just enabling him.”  When I look on those who are weak, hurting, and needy, I should see You. Forgive me for neglecting You by neglecting others.
Prayer for others
It is apparent, throughout history, that man’s definition of greatness does not include the word servant. There are many who have been called The Great: Ramses, Cyrus, Chandragupta, Alexander, Qin Shi Huang, Herod, Catherine. You witnessed their rule. Man’s view of what constitutes greatness is skewed. Lately, I would need to attend a sporting event to view someone who is The Greatest. So today, I pray for those who are great in Your eyes – the silent servants who would never argue over who is the greatest. You are holding a place for them at Your table. On earth, they are last, but with You, they are first.
Thank you
How grateful I am that You teach me Your truths. In doing so, You are showing me the best way to spend my few moments while on earth. Thank You for showing me an example of true greatness. I wouldn’t be able to find it from any other source.
More praise
How blessed was that child in Capernaum whom You pulled close to You and held! I imagine that child will never forgot being singled out that day by the Son of God. While on earth, You changed every life You touched. Yet You continue to comfort and heal today from Your throne in the heavens. Praise to You, God, who is The Greatest by loving those who are the least.


Your words…

Where then does wisdom come from, and where is understanding located? It is hidden from the eyes of every living thing and concealed from the birds of the sky. Abaddon and death say, “We have heard news of it with our ears.” But God understands the way to wisdom, and He knows its location. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When God fixed the weight of the wind and limited the water by measure, when He established a limit for the rain and a path for the lightning, He considered wisdom and evaluated it; He established it and examined it. He said to mankind, “The fear of the Lord is this: wisdom. And to turn from evil is understanding.”   Job 28 : 20-28

My words…

A Brief Prayer for wisdom
Father, I feel as if I’m leaking. Leaking what? I’m not sure. So many questions pile up in my mind, pushing against the edges of my heart, and I feel weakened. How do I make the best decisions for my aging parent? How do I impact a direction-less child?  How do I show love to those who defy You in my presence? Then I read these ancient words, and the leak is plugged. I catch a glimpse of Your power and Your intention for me. The answers to my questions are found in the well of Your wisdom. You know where I can find it, and You have shared its location with me. So I come to You again, like so many times before, seeking another measure. It’s as though I use it up, drain my reserves, and I need a refill. But I don’t think it’s supposed to work that way. I think it is supposed to grow in proportion to my trust and devotion to You. So I pledge to continue to keep my heart tuned to Yours. A thimble-ful of wisdom from You is worth more than an ocean of liquid gold or a fountain of recognition. Fill my spirit with refreshing wisdom. Fill it to overflowing. You’re the only One who can.


Your words…

Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death – even to death on a cross. For this reason God highly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow – of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth – and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:5-11

My words…

I often think about what life must have been like for You, Jesus, while on earth. Leaving the presence of Your Father, the angelic hosts, and access to every dimension, You arrived here. How confining earth must have felt. And dirty. And smelly. You rarely used Your God-powers to circumvent the situation before You. Once, You disappeared through a crowd, avoiding being thrown from a cliff. Understandable. You couldn’t die then – You had work to do. You walked throughout the region of Judea and Samaria when You could have moved from one place to another with the snap of Your fingers. But You wouldn’t have met the Samaritan woman at the well (one of my favorite conversations of all time). You could have leaped the Sea of Galilee in one bound, but You wouldn’t have walked on water with Peter. Each miraculous act demonstrated Your love and compassion to the human race, and glorified Your Father. No stage, no lights, no applause. It’s this attitude that makes You the God You are. It’s this attitude that, when emulated, changes the course of human lives. It’s this attitude that makes You the God I want to serve.
Prayer for me
Lord, I want Your attitude, Your mind-set. Not an attitude of entitlement, but one of humility. I know I will never uphold this attitude perfectly. I will continue to whine, “That’s not fair!” But with Your help, I will allow Your Spirit to re-shape my self-seeking attitude into one that will bring You pleasure.
Forgive me
Pardon my sin of “selective humility.” I slip on Your attitude of humility then take it off – like a coat. Forgive me for thinking it’s impossible to wear Your attitude every single day.
Prayer for others
Father, I want to pray for a specific person, a man I heard about, living in Washington D.C. After being seriously injured in his home by an intruder and hospitalized for days, he was forced to find a safer place to live. He is a man well-acquainted with street life, having been homeless for a time. He researched alternative housing and found a place where the rent payment fell within the parameters required by his federal housing voucher. He arranged an interview with the manager and arrived clean and well-dressed. But when the manager realized he was receiving federal assistance, she quoted a higher price for the apartment, a price not covered by the voucher. The man thanked the woman for meeting with him, apologized for being himself misinformed, and left. You watched this scene unfold. You felt his pain in Your heart. Which of the two acted more like Jesus?  Bless him for that, Lord!  Meet his needs!  He is just one of so many who suffer at the hands of those in decision-making positions. You are a God with limitless power, so I’m praying for all of those who suffer because of their station in life. They endure abuse with humility. I pray You will touch their lives with a portion of Your comfort. Guard them, Lord, and bring them relief and rest.
Thank you
 Thank You for being the kind of God You are – One who willingly stepped away from the magnificence of the heavens to live as a mortal, enduring what You did not deserve. Thank You for choosing to work as a carpenter, feeling the pain when You struck Your finger instead of the nail. Thank you for allowing Yourself to catch a cold and scrape Your knee. You felt deep sadness at the death of Your friends. You endured betrayal and denial. And worst of all, death by crucifixion. Yet You did it anyway. My heart is filled with thanksgiving for You.
More praise
Jesus, You held the power of the universe within the constraints of a human body. You, the Son of God, endured the ridicule and indifference of Your creation – right in Your face. By Your own choice, You had no home, no money, no distinguished earthly pedigree. And because of this, You are now raised in glory, seated at the right hand of the Father, receiving the praise of angels and people of faith. I long to see the day when, at the mention of Your precious name, no one in heaven, earth, or below the earth will be standing, for we will all be on our knees, offering You unabashed praise and adoration. But for now, accept my praise, accept my adoration of You, Jesus, who humbly endured so much for me.



Your words…

Lord, God of vengeance – God of vengeance appear. Rise up, Judge of the earth; repay the proud what they deserve. Lord, how long will the wicked – how long will the wicked gloat? They pour out arrogant words; all the evildoers boast. Lord, they crush Your people; they afflict Your heritage. They kill the widow and the foreigner and murder the fatherless. They say, “The Lord doesn’t see it. The God of Jacob doesn’t pay attention.”
But the Lord is my refuge; my God is the rock of my protection. He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. The lord our God will destroy them. Psalm 94:1-7, 22-23


My words…

Lord, when I hear the word vengeance, I cringe. The word carries an undertone of violence without control. But then I realize that I have formed that idea from how mankind handles vengeance: We stalk, prey, beat, lynch, murder, rationalize, and justify. We grow incensed by the absence (or perceived absence) of justice, and vengeance is an emotional release. Every day I hear of wicked people lurking around corners, snatching children from playgrounds. Some behead innocent civilians and post the footage on the internet. Others beat and rob the elderly in their homes; they kidnap children to use in despicable ways. In short, they ruin lives. And I want those innocents avenged. But vengeance doesn’t belong to me. I don’t own it. It’s Yours. Those who are evil boast about their wickedness as if they are accountable to no one. They are not afraid of You. They do not respect You. They think You cannot see; they think You cannot hear. But You, oh God, created the eye, and You see each tear. You created the ear, and You hear each cry. You, who judge each motive and action, are the Perfect Avenger. You’re not going to get it wrong. Woe to those who prey on the innocent. They cannot hide from Your judgment. God of heaven and earth, You will hold them accountable either in this life or the next. You’re the only One who can.
Prayer for me
Lord, I pray Your promise of vengeance will drive away the anger and hopelessness I experience when I am bombarded with news of evil deeds. I allow the blatant wickedness to zap the joy of being Your child from my heart. Evil will not endure! You are more powerful than all of the forces of hatred and violence, and You will avenge in Your time. Remind me of this, Lord, each time I lose sight of this truth.
Forgive me
Lord, at times I have a vengeful heart. I desire swift justice for those who suffer at the hands of evildoers. And when the innocents are avenged, I smile. I gloat. Ha! Evil has taken a blow! Forgive me when I allow my heart to be filled with vengeance, leaving no room for mercy at all.
Prayer for others
Lord, You know of the father who recently avenged the rape of his daughter. You watched as he tied the rapist to a tree and cut off his hands, leaving him to die. You have witnessed even worse acts of vengeance since You created man. Repaying evil for evil leaves a mark on the guilty and the innocent. Lives are forever ruined. So, I pray for those who have taken on the job of vengeance, refusing to allow You to do what You have promised. Purify their hearts against the hate and spite that accompanies revenge.
Thank You for taking on the responsibility of vengeance for all of us who have ever lived and will ever live. You who are perfectly just will perfectly avenge.
More praise
So many evil men and women have walked this earth. Many of them were rulers of others, inflicting their subjects with unspeakable horrors. Some chapters of our history read like the script of a depraved horror movie. But You’ve been paying attention all along. You know the score. There is a reckoning coming led by the One who has heard the cry of every afflicted man, woman, and child. You love us enough to see each act of wickedness avenged. I praise You for acting as Judge over Your creation – Your heritage.


Your words…

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea no longer existed. I also saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne:
Look! God’s dwelling is with humanity, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will no longer exist; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer because the previous things have passed away.
Then the One seated on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new.” He also said, “Write, because these words are faithful and true.” And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water as a gift to the thirsty from the spring of life. The victor will inherit these things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son.” Revelation 21:1-7

My words…

God, You measure the boundaries of the universe using the span of your arm. You hold the keys to the storehouses of hail. You call to the lightning bolts, and they report for duty. You can loosen the belt of Orion. You, who can do this and immeasurably more, poured out a revelation to the exiled Apostle John, blessing me with a mindful of imagery beyond the scope of my limited understanding. But I can’t help but grow excited when I read about a time when I will be living with You in a place that sounds a whole lot different from Earth – a place where everything is new. I like new things – things that I have never seen, never touched – things that have never been used by anyone else. Things “with the tags still on.” It matters not to me where this place is located – above the clouds, on the earth, or somewhere in between. It matters not to me what this place is called – Paradise, Heaven, or new Jerusalem. Just as long as You are there, then it’s all good. This new place could be a depressing hovel in the middle of a barren wasteland, but as long as You are there, then it’s all good. I’m thankful, though, that you intend for it to be a place where pain, grief, and weeping are checked at the door. Every face will be genuinely joy-filled. Help me imagine! I search out the innocent, unjaded images expressed by children. They have imaginations that more accurately capture this new, amazing place. One little boy wants to play tether-ball with angels (that’s new). A little girl wants to dance with You (can’t wait to see that). And another little boy wants to watch You, Jesus, ride a rainbow horse (definitely new)! The thought of living together with You someday in Your new place chases away every despondent, fretful, incensed thought from my heart, and the empty place is filled with anticipation and wonder. You are wondrous!
Prayer for me
I want to keep this image of a new place with You at the forefront of my mind each day. No other image can blast away weariness, pessimism, and failure faster than one of You and me being together in a place where the daunting presence of death is absent. No cemeteries, dirges, or eulogies. Just life with You.
Forgive me
When the immorality of this world beats against the walls of my heart, drowning out Your Spirit’s message of hope, I open the door and let it in. Forgive me when I allow the Father of Lies a toe-hold in a place reserved for You alone.
Prayer for others
I pray for those who long to see this place where You will live with Your children. So many face grief each day, so many face painful medical treatments, and so many have become numb to the abuse they call normal. Give them a sense of what it may feel like when You, the God of all that has been created, will wipe away each tear from their eyes.
The amazing part about the anticipation of living with You is that it is not one-sided. I know that You are just as excited about sharing Your place with me as I am about living there with You. Incredible! Absolutely incredible! Once again, there is no earthly way for me to adequately thank you for including me in your everlasting life plan. Maybe there will be a heavenly way. I hope so.
More praise
You desire for all of Your children to live with You in a new place where perfect joy stands at the door and bars the way of heartbreak, anxiety, and mourning. You will not allow them to dwell with us there. Our place together will be filled with  Your love, Your light, Your presence. And that’s all I need. But if, by chance, Jesus decides to ride a rainbow horse, save a seat for me.



Your words…

Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that He could not defeat him, He struck Jacob’s hip socket as they wrestled and dislocated his hip. Then He said to Jacob, “Let Me go, for it is daybreak.” But Jacob said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” “What is your name?” the man asked. “Jacob,” he replied. “Your name will no longer be Jacob,” He said. “It will be Israel because you have struggled with God and with men and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked Him, “Please tell me Your name.” But He answered, “Why do you ask My name?” And He blessed him there. Jacob then named the place Peniel, “For I have seen God face to face,” he said, “and I have been delivered.”  Genesis 32: 24 -31

My words…

I find this story of You as a wrestler very captivating. Not because I am a wrestling fan – I’m not. It intrigues me to know that You would confront a man in such a personal, hands-on way, using not a supernatural strength, but a strength equal to that of Jacob’s – a man’s strength in a man’s body. You didn’t need to wrestle with Jacob. Jacob needed to wrestle with You. He stood on the bank of the Jabbok, knowing he was to come face-to-face with his brother the following morning. Jacob was a cheater; he didn’t play fair with Esau, and Esau had every right to hate his twin. Jacob must have been pacing the river bank, anxious about how his reunion with his brother would play out. Jacob was weighed down by guilt; he stood at the mercy of another. And then You showed up, and an all-night contest ensued. I have always wondered about the need to physically wrestle. Why not a knock-down, drag-out debate? You two talk it over. Jacob asks You for a blessing. You agree, change his name, and Jacob walks away without a limp. But I have a feeling that Jacob didn’t do anything the easy way. For him to learn, for him to change, a struggle must occur. The blessing he received from his father, Isaac, was granted under false pretenses. So now he needed a proper blessing bestowed honestly with no deceit or trickery, and You allowed it. And because he lived to tell about it, he named that place Peniel. Jacob didn’t deserve deliverance from Esau. But You are the God who blesses those who don’t deserve it. That’s just how You work.
Prayer for me
We wrestle all the time, You and I. Prayer wrestling. I am always struggling with You to understand why this world is the way it is. Sometimes I walk away, having been enlightened. Sometimes I limp away, still frustrated. Either way, I’m always glad we wrestled. I need Your help to continue struggling, pleading with You to bless me because sometimes it’s just easier to tap out.
Forgive me
Forgive me when I avoid You. And I do, more than I care to admit. When I pray, I have to be honest because if I’m not, You’ll know, and it ends up being just a waste of time. Sometimes I carry guilt around like a yoke, and I don’t want to think about it, which is why I avoid You in the first place. Forgive me for not placing the yoke at Your feet and leaving it there.
Prayer for others
Lord, I pray for those who have cheated and deceived those whom they call family. Just because we are related to someone, doesn’t mean we don’t  betray him or her and bury the secret deep inside. I know of those who refuse to communicate with certain family members because of an old rift. Bring them to the edge of their own personal Jabbok, and wrestle  with them: Spirit against spirit. Show them Your “face” somehow so they will be forever changed, limping away from their own Peniel, empowered to face the one they have harmed.
Thank you
Thank You for allowing me the privilege of struggling with You. I give You the glory for whatever spiritual strength and endurance I possess – the outcome of our time together.
More praise
You are not the God who is repulsed by my weaknesses and struggles. You will square off with me, grappling and sweating through the pain for hours, days, maybe years. And the reward is Your blessing, Your face shining on me, and Your peace. Such a reward is worth the struggle!


Your words…

Therefore, so that I would not exalt myself, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me so I would not exalt myself. Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions, and in pressures, because of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

My words…

Father, when I lift my heart to You in prayer, I intentionally use my first words as words of praise and exultation. They are my “first fruit” words that I lay at your feet, acknowledging Your ability and willingness to answer my petitions, forgive my short-comings, and accept my thanksgiving. But, today I am unsure how to praise You. Your chosen apostle, Your tireless servant, humbly entreated You to comfort him from a chronic, physical ailment or deficiency that plagued him every waking hour. You allowed this thorn, this tormenting message from Satan, to weaken Paul and cause him to cry out to You three times. Your answer each time? No. I have prayed to You to guide my thoughts to understand what You want me to learn from Paul’s prayers. And I think the key word for me to ponder is weakness. I don’t find any enjoyment in thinking about my weaknesses. Who does? As humans, we have conquered, built, invented, and explored not from a foundation of weakness, but in a belief that strength is the key to success. So, I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that You would work through our weaknesses to grow more reliant on You. Your ways are opposed to the ways of the world. It pains me to read about Paul’s entreaties. He had suffered so much in Your name: beatings, shipwrecks, imprisonment. Yet You knew his faith and reliance on You would only grow stronger if he remained tormented by the “thorn.”  His weakened body was the perfect vessel in which You chose to work.  And he gladly accepted Your answer to his prayer. His weakness made him strong, and You needed a strong Paul. At times, Your ways are difficult and painful to endure. Praise be to the God of heaven who knows to use our weaknesses to make us strong. We wouldn’t have figured it out on our own.
Prayer for me
Lord, I need to trust You more. I have placed at Your feet petitions for me and for others, and You have answered in the same way You answered Paul: No. Then I wonder: Do You hear me? Do You care? You have shown me, through Paul, that negative answer to prayer is Your way of growing my faith and my resolve to depend upon You. Like Paul, I want Christ’s power to reside in me. This is my earnest prayer.
Forgive me
It is hard to admit that, after all these years, I still wonder if You hear me. What a faithless child I am. Forgive my lack of faith. I read about the Apostle Paul, and I am awed by his acceptance of Your will in his life. I know in my heart that Paul’s level of faith is not out of reach for me. Pardon my unwillingness to desire a life where my weaknesses and my discomfort are the way to a stronger faith in You.
Prayer for others
Lord, You know how many suffer from various thorns in the flesh. So many. Our bodies are susceptible to the prick and pain of various kinds of thorns. Some are facing surgery tomorrow morning. Many are receiving treatments, leaving them weak and anxious. Others know their moments on this earth are but a few. Lord, I am saddened by those I know who are suffering, but I pray You will use their weakness to grow their faith. I pray that even in the middle of pain, You will give them the strength to smile and turn their face upward to You in a show of submission and praise.
Thank you for the lessons You teach through Your holy words. They are hard lessons, but I can learn them from no one else. Thank you for being the God who loves me enough to teach me the only way that’s worth living.
More Praise
You are a mighty, strong God who yearns to see me grow through my weakness. You are the giver of grace. Your grace is sufficient. Your grace is enough.



Your words…

On the third day, when morning came, there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud on the mountain, and a loud trumpet sound, so that all the people in the camp shuddered. Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain. Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke because the Lord came down on it in fire. Its smoke went up like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently. As the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him in the thunder.  Exodus 19:16-19


All the people witnessed the thunder and lightning, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain surrounded by smoke. When the people saw it, they trembled and stood at a distance. “You speak to us, and we will listen,” they said to Moses, “but don’t let God speak to us, or we will die.” Moses responded to the people, “Don’t be afraid, for God has come to test you, so that you will fear Him and will not sin.” And the people remained standing at a distance as Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.  Exodus 20:18-21

My words…

Four hundred and thirty years is a long time. Generations of Your people living as slaves in Egypt – being born a slave and dying a slave. You watched as they suffered, toiling under heartless slave masters, yet they continued to cry out to You for deliverance. And then, one day, enough was enough. You acted. If nine extremely bothersome plagues, a night of terror and death, and a dry-footed hike through the Red Sea weren’t enough to convict the Israelites of Your power, then the display You had in mind at the foot of Mount Sinai was sure to dispel any question of Your divine majesty. You could have chosen any number of ways to introduce Yourself to Your chosen people: a light shower of angel dust (Is there such a thing? I hope so.) coating everyone in a shimmering symbol of love and gentleness, or thousands of white, gleaming doves, swooping overhead in a splendid choreographed show of peace and friendship. Instead, You chose a terrifying lightning and thunder exhibit. Personally, I love thunder – the louder, the better. But the Israelites didn’t seem so thrilled. Maybe it was the really loud celestial trumpet or the smoke-filled air left over by the God-filled fire. Either way, they insisted on Moses as the intermediary. They were scared stiff. But this illustration of your supremacy happened for a reason (of course). You did it to test Your people. When I think of tests, I think of school. In this case, You’re the teacher and Sinai was the classroom. You give a test, and Your students must respond. There was only one question on this test: Now that you have seen an example of My might and majesty, will you follow and obey Me? It’s a yes-or-no question. When Your strong arm is in full view, who wouldn’t quake and consent to be devoted to You every waking second?  But as time passes, the lightning ceases, the thunder is silent, and the smoke clears. Then what? For some, their Sinai conviction is replaced or forgotten. For others, the smoke remains in their nostrils for life as a reminder of who You are and what You can do. I am far removed from Mt. Sinai, but I experience Sinai nonetheless. You gave Jesus for me. You placed Your Spirit in my very own heart. After that – who needs lightening, thunder, smoke or fire? Not me!
Prayer for me
Keep the smell of Your smoke in my nostrils, Lord. Help me see Your glory on display in this world – to recognize it, to stop and praise You in that moment. Continue to test me so I may grow.
Forgive me
Forgive me, oh God, when I lose sight of Your presence in this world. The evil is so prevalent, Your presence becomes blurred. Pardon my hopelessness when I allow the good to be overshadowed by the evil.
Prayer for others
Father, there are throngs of Your followers who have lost the smell of Your smoke in their nostrils. They haven’t seen You working, or at least they haven’t recognized it when You were. At one time, they basked in Your glory, experiencing their own personal Sinai experience, but something happened (or nothing happened). They no longer answer Your test question with a Yes. Increase their faith. Fill their lungs with Your divine smoke again.
Thank You for placing good people in my path. I see You in their actions and in their words. They take in unwanted children just as You would. They feed those with little or no food. They teach Your message to anyone who will listen. Their nostrils are filled with Your smoke, and I smell it just being near them. Thank you!
More praise
Praise to the God who directs lightning and commands thunder. Your power can melt the hearts of men, bringing us to our knees. Yet You love us. And Your love is more powerful than thunder and lightning – it is the truest and mightiest show of Your power in the heavens and on earth. Hallelujah!