The Lord counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:4-5
My words…
In Praise of the Unfathomable
After about an hour of listening to theoretical physicists’ explanations of the universe, I felt my brain melting inside my skull. Just when I began to wrap my mind around light speed, they throw in Planck time. Not fair. I felt a little better when they described spaghettification because I actually know what spaghetti is. Not that it helped. But here is the wonderfully, marvelously, glorious take-away from submitting to a cosmic brain-melting: I catch a glimpse of You. You hold the pulsar in one hand and the quark in another.
Your essence is beyond my comprehension. And in this I revel. If You became fathomable, You wouldn’t be God. You certainly wouldn’t be my God. I don’t need to fathom You. Even in eternity. But I would like to comprehend Planck Time if it’s not too much trouble.