
Your words…
After dismissing the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone. But the boat was already over a mile from land, battered by the waves because the wind was against them. Around three in the morning, He came to them, walking on the sea.  Matt. 14:23-25
My words…
There is nothing that I take more seriously than my salvation in You, Lord. Your death and resurrection were the culmination of God’s plan of love for me, and I am grateful every day of my life. Having written that, I have been thinking lately about having fun. Not my fun. Your fun.
Jesus, I know You must have experienced bouts of fun, even hilarity, while wearing human skin. But I don’t read much about that in scripture. I get it. You came to seek and save the lost—serious business indeed. But there are times, reading between the lines, when You must have cracked up!
Creation must have been amusing for You. How could You have created the giraffe, peacock, and proboscis monkey without busting out laughing?
I bet James and John shared some funny fishing jokes. One or more of Your disciples could throw out a witty impersonation, certainly. And the children who flocked around You must have provided lively entertainment.
You performed miracles to reflect the glory of God and pour Your love and compassion on the hurting, but they had to be fun as well. After healing a lame man, You must have chuckled as he jumped, danced, and attempted a cartwheel. Walking on water in the middle of the night— the epitome of fun!
You were so abominably treated while on earth, I hope You found time to belly laugh with Your friends. I don’t like to think of You as intensely stoic as You are sometimes portrayed. You created humor. Some people are so good at making others laugh. It wouldn’t surprise me if You were one.