
Your words…
Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophesies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.  1 Thessalonians 5:19-20
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Ephesians 4:30

My words…

Spirit of the Living God, You are the holy voltage I rely on to energize my spirit to reflect Jesus in my world. When I live in the blessed assurance of God’s love and presence, it is Your power on display, not mine. I live daily in the glow of God’s radiance because of You. You are like a fire, hot and bright and oh so powerful.
Prayer for me
In my weakness, I may figuratively pour water on Your holy fire:
“I can’t be expected to forgive a sin that grievous. No way.” Douse
“I have helped that family enough. Someone else should take a turn.” Splash
“Bible study? Not today. I’ll start tomorrow (or the next day).” Soak
“It’s not gossip. It’s the facts. Right?” Smother
“I can’t be expected to love every neighbor.” Splatter
When this happens, You, Spirit, are not weakened. You are grieved.
Forgive me
I don’t like to think I am responsible for grieving the Spirit of the Living God, the maker of heaven and earth, but I am. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. (You at work, yet again!) When I sadden You, I cause You pain. And this, in turn, causes me pain. Great pain. So, I ask for Your unending forgiveness by which I am then clean, pain-free, and so grateful.
More praise
Holy Spirit, You are holy fire, breath of God, my comforter, teacher, counselor, strengthener. Is there another person in heaven or on earth who can rival who You are or what You do? No. There is not.