
Your words…
“For I, the Lord, do not change…”  Malachi 3:6a
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Hebrews 13:8
My words…
Of all Your characteristics, Lord, this one is the most comforting to me. You never change. Never have. Never will. Your creation, however, changes from one nano-second to the next. Nothing stays the same. My whole existence is based on change. Get that avocado to guacamole before it’s too late. The price of gas went up again. Oh, look, another gray hair (or three). And that’s just the innocuous stuff.
It’s hard to keep up sometimes, which is why I draw a contented sigh when I turn to You and Your words. I know what I can expect from one day to the next. There You are. The same yesterday, today and forever.
Your compassion to Hannah, the distraught, barren woman yearning for a child three thousand years ago is the same compassion shown to the woman in Nain when you raised her son from the dead two thousand years ago. And it’s the same compassion you showed to my grieving friend last year. Same compassion. Same God.
Your righteousness is manifested when You keep Your promises to Your creation. The promises You made to Noah, Abraham, and Peter are just as binding as the ones You make to me. You never go back on Your word. Same righteousness. Same God.
Your justice, what You do to restore righteousness, shone brightly in Egypt with Joseph and in Persia with Esther. Those who exploit the weak and abuse the defenseless today will have to answer for their actions. Every last one of them. Same justice. Same God.
Your forgiveness and mercy poured out on the adulterer and murderer, King David, is freely given to any who asks today. Same forgiveness and mercy. Same God.
And Your love—the love that started it all before the beginning of time when You chose to show Your love to me through Your Son, a cross, and an indwelling comforter. Same love. Same God.
Mushy avocados aside, I’m thankful you created me to be a part of a world that always changes. And I am even more thankful You don’t.